Recommended Dosage of Transfer Factor Products
2 caps TF Plus +30ml Riovida x 3 daily(Moderate)
3 caps TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily(Severe)
Anemia/Low Blood Pressure
2 caps TF Cardio x2 daily(Moderate)
2 caps TF Cardio x3 daily(Severe)
2 caps TF Tri-factor x 2 daily(moderate
2 caps TF Tri-factor x 3 daily(Severe)
1 caps TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily
Bad breath or Bleeding gums
30ml Riovida x 2 daily + TF Toothpaste
Blood Disorder/Leukemia
2 caps TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily
2 caps TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily
Body Odor
2 caps TF Plus x 2 daily
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
Cancer/ Tumor Stage 1 & 2
4 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
Cancer/ Tumor Stage 3 & 4
2 TF Tri-Factor + 4 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
Chronic Fatigue
30ml Riovida x 2 daily
30ml Riovida x 2 daily (Moderate)
30ml Riovida x 3 daily (Severe)
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
2 TF Tri-Factor + 60ml Riovida x 3 daily
Diabetic Type I
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily
Add 2 TF Glucoach x 2 daily if (severe)
Diabetic Type II (Insulin)
2 TF Plus x 3 daily
Add 2 TF Glucoach x 3 daily if (Severe)
Diabetic Wound
2 TF Plus x 3 daily, sprinkle TF Plus x 1
Down Syndrome
1 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily
Dry Skin
30 ml Riovida x 2 daily. Apply TF Renewall Gel
2 TF Adv x 2 daily. Apply TF Renewall Gel
2 TF Adv x 3 daily. Apply TF Renewall Gel
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
2 TF Plus x 2 daily
Eye sight problem
30ml Riovida x 2 daily
30ml Riovida x 3 daily
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily
Fungus/ Bacteria infection
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 2 daily (Moderate)
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily (severe)
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily (Moderate)
2 TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily (Severe)
Gaut/Joint Pain
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily (Moderate)
2 TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily (Severe)
2 TF Tri-Factor + 30ml Riovida x 2 daily
Hair Drop
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily (Moderate)
2 TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily (Severe)
Heart disease
2 TF Cardio + 2 TF Plus x 2 daily (Moderate)
2 TF Cardio + 2 TF Plus x 3 daily (Severe)
Heel Crack
Apply TF Renewall Gel
Hepatitis A & B & C
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
High blood pressure/Hypertention
2 TF Cardio x 2 daily
2 TF Cardio x 3 daily
High Cholesterol
2 TF Cardio + 30ml Riovida x 2 daily
2 TF Cardio + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
3 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
Hormonal Problems- Women
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily (Moderate)
2 TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily (Severe)
2 TF Cardio x 2 daily (Moderate)
2 TF Cardio x 3 daily (Severe)
30ml Riovida x 2 daily (Moderate)
30ml Riovida x 3 daily (Severe)
2 TF Plus x 3 daily (Moderate)
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily (Severe)
2 TF Tri-Factor + 30ml Riovida x 2 daily
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 2 daily (Moderate)
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily (Severe)
Joint pain
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily (Moderate)
2 TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily (Severe)
Kidney Dialysis
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily (Moderate)
2 TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily (Severe)
Lethargic / Tiredness
30ml Riovida x 2 daily
30ml Riovida x 3 daily
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily (Moderate)
2 TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily (Severe)
Lupus @ S.L.E.
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily (Moderate)
2 TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily (severe)
Memory Loss
2 TF Tri-Factor + 1 recall x 2 daily
Menopause Disorders
2 TF Adv x 2 daily
Multiple Sclerosis- Nerve problem
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily (Moderate)
2 TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily (Severe)
Obesity (Overweight)
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 2 daily
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
Parkinson's disease
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily
2 TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily
2 TF Adv x 2 daily Apply TF Renewall Gel
2 TF Plus + Tea4life x 2 daily
2 TF Plus + Tea4life x 3 daily
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 2 daily
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
Prostate problem
1 TF Tri-Factor + 1 TF Malepro x 2 daily
1 TF Tri-Factor + 1 TF Malepro x 3 daily
Psoriasis2 TF Adv x 2 daily
2 TF Adv x 3 daily
Rheumatoid Arthritis
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily
2 TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily
Sinus/ Flu2
TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily
2 TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily
2 TF Tri-Factor + 30ml Riovida x 2 daily
2 TF Tri-Factor + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
Skin diseases/ Skin Allergic
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily
2 TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily
2 TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily
2 TF Cardio + 30ml Riovida x 2 daily
2 TF Cardio + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
30ml Riovida x 2 daily
Thyroid / Goiter
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily
2 TF Tri-Factor x 3 daily
Tuberculosis (T.B)
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
3 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
2 TF Tri-Factor x 2 daily
Vericose Veins
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 2 daily
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
White discharge- ladies
2 TF Plus x 2 daily
2 TF Plus + 30ml Riovida x 3 daily
Doctors' medication should be continued
Note:Recovery Reaction
After consuming Transfer Factor Products, some might feel uncomfortable; this feeling will be strong if they are physically weak. This is regarded as adaptive period or body recovery reaction. Recovery reaction is not a side effect rather it is a body natural reaction during cell repairs and internal regulation. After the recovery reaction is over, the immune will be stronger.
After consuming Transfer Factor Products, some might feel uncomfortable; this feeling will be strong if they are physically weak. This is regarded as adaptive period or body recovery reaction. Recovery reaction is not a side effect rather it is a body natural reaction during cell repairs and internal regulation. After the recovery reaction is over, the immune will be stronger.
Then, most diseases can be prevented.
Ovarian Cancer
Angelia Howard
"My mother experienced a very excruciating death from an aggressive form of ovarian cancer. I was only in my early teens and she was 32 years old. Her sister died of this cancer. We have a very strong genetic tendency toward cancer. I have feared this all of my life. In December of 2000 I had a tumor 10+inches in diameter removed and immediately went on chemotherapy. Since my mother was a vitamin freak and still died, I wasn’t that big on nutrition. My dad talked me into going on enhanced transfer factors. My oncologist was very impressed with how strong my immune system stayed throughout my chemotherapy. I know there is not way to scientifically prove it, but I really feel that my strengthened immune system made the difference between what happened to my mother and her sister, and myself. Now in February of 2001 I am alive and well."
"My mother experienced a very excruciating death from an aggressive form of ovarian cancer. I was only in my early teens and she was 32 years old. Her sister died of this cancer. We have a very strong genetic tendency toward cancer. I have feared this all of my life. In December of 2000 I had a tumor 10+inches in diameter removed and immediately went on chemotherapy. Since my mother was a vitamin freak and still died, I wasn’t that big on nutrition. My dad talked me into going on enhanced transfer factors. My oncologist was very impressed with how strong my immune system stayed throughout my chemotherapy. I know there is not way to scientifically prove it, but I really feel that my strengthened immune system made the difference between what happened to my mother and her sister, and myself. Now in February of 2001 I am alive and well."
Lung Cancer
Mary's Story: "I'm a 49-year-old woman and my cancer started when I was 17 years of age. And today I can finally say thank you to God and 4Life for giving me back my life. In February of 1999, I was diagnosed with cancer once again and this time it was in my lungs. I had decided not to take chemotherapy. I had already had two bouts of it aggressively and I didn't want it any more. And I opted not to take any of the cancer drugs. Then the cancer decided to attack my bones and spine. In September, the doctors told me that my days were very limited. I had heard about Transfer Factor, and in October I had started taking it. My normal days consisted of 18 hours in bed. Walking and eating were very difficult for me. I ran high fevers constantly, with vomiting maybe 8 to 10 times a day. I had started taking Transfer Factor and Transfer Factor Plus in October. Linda Holston and Dr. Rob worked together and they said to start out on 3 Transfer Factor and 2 Transfer Factor Plus, which I did. I began to see an immediate improvement, then when we received the press release from Dr. See, regarding the increase of the NK cells, I bumped up the dosage. I became ill again and Dr. Rob said to cut back down. I went back down and decided to increase daily, which I did. November the 18th, 1999, I went to the doctor and I received a phone call that evening telling me that every x-ray and every blood count test that they took was completely normal, and there were no signs of cancer. I asked him if he was sure that it was my test and he said yes, and that everything had been tested four times by three different doctors. Today I have my life, my family and my son is going to have a mother that he is going to be able to grow up with. I thank Transfer Factor and all the doctors for everything that they have done, and I advise anyone who has any type of disease to get on Transfer Factor and Transfer Factor Plus immediately. And for children, keep them on Transfer Factor just as an extra protection with so many diseases around." Mary L.
Dena’s Transfer Factor StoryMy name is Dena Guidice, and I want to share with you how Transfer Factor™ has saved my life. In November of 1998, I was diagnosed with lung cancer. At that time, my team of doctors recommended that the best course of treatment for my cancer would be to perform radiation and chemotherapy simultaneously. I got started with both treatments immediately and was given the highest dosages of treatment possible. Over the next 90 days, I suffered from all of the normal side effects including weakness, vomiting, hair loss & severe weight loss. My radiation and chemo treatments ended late February 1999.
On March 25th, 1999, I went in for surgery (as planned), and the doctors removed a tumor from my right lung along with the top 1/3rd of my lung and three sections of my ribs. The surgery went very well, and the doctors believed that they had successfully removed all of the cancer from my body. After my surgery, I went through an additional 12 weeks of chemotherapy from May to July 1999, as a "safety measure." It was during this time that my body became so weak that all I could do was sleep and lie in bed all day. I lost all of my hair at this point, and my fingernails and teeth became so brittle I started to lose them as well. I lost my appetite completely and got to the point where I weighed only 88 pounds.
Even as sick as I was in the summer, I was still hopeful that by fall I would get stronger after the chemotherapy was out of my system. My hope was short lived, however. In August, I found a lump under my left arm. After another surgery to remove that tumor, the tests confirmed that I had malignant lymphatic cancer (cancer of the lymph nodes) and that the cancer was all over my whole body. At that point in time, my team of doctors told me there was nothing they could do for me. I had stage 4 (final stage) cancer and I had a maximum of 4 to 6 months to live. They told me to do everything I’ve always wanted to do in life within the next 45-60 days because after that, I would be much too weak and too sick to do anything whatsoever. By this time, I was convinced that I was going to die - especially since the doctors had never seen a person live beyond 8 months, in my condition with my kind of cancer.
At this point, I shared the devastating news with my kids, and we all took a trip to Hawaii. In my own mind, I knew that this would be my "farewell trip." I had given up every ounce of hope, and I had mentally prepared myself to die. It was at this time (1st week in October) that my son finally convinced me to start taking Transfer Factor. In my mind, I was 100% convinced that it wouldn't do anything for me, but nonetheless, I started taking six Transfer Factors Plus and six regular Transfer Factor capsules every day. Within 30 days, I started to feel a little stronger and regained my appetite, but I still believed in my mind that my life was soon to be over. I kept taking the product. By January 2000, about 90 days after starting on Transfer Factor, I found myself even stronger and had gained back 7 pounds.
I continued taking Transfer Factor every day. It’s now been 7 months since I started taking Transfer Factor (May 2000). I've now gained a total of 26 pounds and I feel healthier than I've felt in over 2 years. I just went to see my doctor 2 weeks ago, and he said that, "I'm a living Miracle" and that I have no signs of cancer. Transfer Factor has not only saved my life, it has given me hope for tomorrow and the years ahead.
Before Transfer Factor™ & Transfer Factor Plus™Sept. '99 Weighing 88 pounds - in Hawaii with family members.
After Transfer Factor™ & Transfer Factor Plus™April 2000 - weighing 114pounds. "You would neverguess that I was suppose todie over 3 months ago
On March 25th, 1999, I went in for surgery (as planned), and the doctors removed a tumor from my right lung along with the top 1/3rd of my lung and three sections of my ribs. The surgery went very well, and the doctors believed that they had successfully removed all of the cancer from my body. After my surgery, I went through an additional 12 weeks of chemotherapy from May to July 1999, as a "safety measure." It was during this time that my body became so weak that all I could do was sleep and lie in bed all day. I lost all of my hair at this point, and my fingernails and teeth became so brittle I started to lose them as well. I lost my appetite completely and got to the point where I weighed only 88 pounds.
Even as sick as I was in the summer, I was still hopeful that by fall I would get stronger after the chemotherapy was out of my system. My hope was short lived, however. In August, I found a lump under my left arm. After another surgery to remove that tumor, the tests confirmed that I had malignant lymphatic cancer (cancer of the lymph nodes) and that the cancer was all over my whole body. At that point in time, my team of doctors told me there was nothing they could do for me. I had stage 4 (final stage) cancer and I had a maximum of 4 to 6 months to live. They told me to do everything I’ve always wanted to do in life within the next 45-60 days because after that, I would be much too weak and too sick to do anything whatsoever. By this time, I was convinced that I was going to die - especially since the doctors had never seen a person live beyond 8 months, in my condition with my kind of cancer.
At this point, I shared the devastating news with my kids, and we all took a trip to Hawaii. In my own mind, I knew that this would be my "farewell trip." I had given up every ounce of hope, and I had mentally prepared myself to die. It was at this time (1st week in October) that my son finally convinced me to start taking Transfer Factor. In my mind, I was 100% convinced that it wouldn't do anything for me, but nonetheless, I started taking six Transfer Factors Plus and six regular Transfer Factor capsules every day. Within 30 days, I started to feel a little stronger and regained my appetite, but I still believed in my mind that my life was soon to be over. I kept taking the product. By January 2000, about 90 days after starting on Transfer Factor, I found myself even stronger and had gained back 7 pounds.
I continued taking Transfer Factor every day. It’s now been 7 months since I started taking Transfer Factor (May 2000). I've now gained a total of 26 pounds and I feel healthier than I've felt in over 2 years. I just went to see my doctor 2 weeks ago, and he said that, "I'm a living Miracle" and that I have no signs of cancer. Transfer Factor has not only saved my life, it has given me hope for tomorrow and the years ahead.
Before Transfer Factor™ & Transfer Factor Plus™Sept. '99 Weighing 88 pounds - in Hawaii with family members.
After Transfer Factor™ & Transfer Factor Plus™April 2000 - weighing 114pounds. "You would neverguess that I was suppose todie over 3 months ago
4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula

4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula (formerly called Plus Advanced)
Far-Reaching Immune Support
Far-Reaching Immune Support
4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula combines the intelligence of Transfer Factor E-XF™, the intuition of NanoFactor™ extract, and the added support of our Cordyvant™ blend to provide the ultimate in immune system support for your body.
This product represents 4Life®'s highest level of immune system support. The proprietary Cordyvant blend features known immune-supporting ingredients such as maitake and shiitake mushrooms, cordyceps, inositol hexaphosphate, beta glucans, beta sitosterol, and olive leaf extract.
Primary Benefits• Boosting and balancing support, according to what your body needs - A more efficient and intelligent immune system to fight off invaders.• Added immune system nutrients for a broad source of immune system support.• Support that promotes the health of all your body's systems.• Support for optimal energy levels. • A proactive strategy to maintain your health.
What makes this product unique?• Transfer factors are tiny messenger molecules that transfer immunity information from one entity to another, such as between a mother and her breastfeeding infant. • NanoFactor™ extract is 4Life's patent-pending extract of immune system-enhancing nanofractions. It helps “fine-tune” immune system function so that immune cells know when to act, how to act, and when to rest.
• The extraction process for transfer factors from egg sources is protected by US patent 6,468,534; and the combining process for cow colostrum and chicken egg yolks is protected by U.S. patent 6,866,868. • Independent laboratory tests reveal that 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula can boost immune system effectiveness by raising Natural Killer cell function 437 percent.
• 4Life Transfer Factor products are featured in the 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 Physicians' Desk Reference For Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements, the standard supplement guide for physicians that can be found in physician offices, hospitals, and pharmacies throughout the United States. 4Life Transfer Factor® products have been recommended by the Russian Federation for use in hospitals and clinics. This historic announcement was a result of ten separate scientific trials and two experimental studies extolling the benefits of 4Life Transfer Factor products.
Transfer Factor E-XF (a patented concentrate of transfer factors and other natural components from cow colostrum and egg yolk), NanoFactor extract (a proprietary concentrate of nano-filtered cow colostrum.), Cordyvant Proprietary Polysaccharide Complex (IP-6, Soya bean Extract, Cordyceps sinensis, Beta-Glucan (from baker's yeast), Beta-Glucan (from Oat), Agaricus blazeii Extract, Mannans (from Aloe Vera), Olive Leaf Extract, Maitake Mushroom, Shiitake mushroom), and Zinc.
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